Many young people, called to give their time and abilities for others, have seen their volunteer experiences interrupted due to the expansion of COVID-19 that has affected 186 countries and more than 800,000 people around the world.
The affected countries have closed both land and sea borders, as well as certain highly affected areas. Therefore, those who were about to leave for their volunteer experience in another city or country have had to suspend their trips. Those who were searching for a place to volunteer have decided to postpone their search. Nevertheless, even from home or wherever we may be spending this quarantine, we can be volunteers, helping those with the greatest need while continuing to contribute to building a more united world.
Here are some initiatives that you can get involved with or use for motivation and ideas for new ways of giving back.
1.“Aquí estoy” –Here I Am- is a network of global empathy that seeks to accompany those who are suffering emotionally because of loneliness and the uncertainty of the corona virus emergency. Through this virtual platform you can offer to listen with empathy to those who need it.
2. In various countries of Latin America cases of malnutrition and hunger have begun to appear because of the social distancing laws.
Poverty and social inequality are not only risk factors for the spread of COVID-19, but also the increase in dissatisfaction of basic needs amidst this quarantine. There are many international organizations that have decided to direct their actions towards the most at-risk areas. Organizations like TECHO and many others have added their efforts to help the most vulnerable groups. Find out here how you can help.
3. Emergencia Siria 2020. “Emergency Syria 2020” The United World Association (AMU) has continued to accompany and work hand in hand with the Syrian communities amid the war that they have been dealing with for many years. Despite the spread of the corona virus in Syria, the actions that they have taken remain in place. If you want to collaborate to concretely help these workers that have continued to carry on you can go here.
4. The Youth for a United World from various countries are creating different ways to help. Get in contact with them and you will be able to add your support. Find them on social media or here.
Many more ways to help are being developed all over the world. There are those who have created networks of help for senior citizens or getting groceries for those who need them most. There are young people and adults that have offered to do important errands for people who cannot leave their homes.
Others have made themselves, their knowledge, and abilities available in order to spread important information for the care, and prevention of the spread of the virus. Some have created spaces for relaxation and entertainment amid the uncertainty that the world is living in.
Surely in your country there are already many initiatives in progress. Add your support and be a volunteer during this time of corona virus!