About Us

milONGa is an international volunteering program for young people who want to add their grain of sand to the socio-cultural challenges that we live today as humanity.
About milONGa project
New Humanity, Youth for a United World and the Latin American network of social organizations inspired by the charism of unity, with the collaboration of the SMF Sociedade Movimento dos Focolari, Suma Fraternidad and the PIP - Integral Promotion of the Person for a Society of Fraternity, have joined forces to develop an international volunteering platform with the aim of satisfying the desire of young people for social and global experiences.
MilONGa offers opportunities for “fraternal”, intercultural and quality volunteering to young people between the age of 18 and 35 years old, in synergy with the work of social organizations already involved in various peripheries of the planet. The communities and citadels of the Focolare Movement have also joined this initiative, meaningful spaces for action and training for motivated young people and eager to engage in social work.

Why milONGa?
Because it is a project that combines social action, training and interculturality. We are inspired by the particular experience of communion that young volunteers have been developing with non-governmental organizations and communities in the promotion of fraternity in action.
The main objectives of milONGa are: to contribute to the mission of social organizations, to train global citizens capable of breaking down the walls of indifference, discrimination and fear, and to be active citizens in their own communities.

What makes milONGa different from other international volunteer programs?
Milonga is a program that enables a volunteering experience with mentoring in all its stages: preparation, development and post-experience, it has constant technical and training support in order to strengthen social action and reinforce the capacity for community leadership and global citizenship of the young people.
The fraternal approach as a volunteering experience is based on the impact that for years young people and adults have been generating in different areas in which they work, putting into operation a new form of social action where the fraternal bond between the actors is the key. It is also the spirit of fraternity that motivates going to meet various communities in vulnerable situations, to carry out with them an experience of communion and intercultural dialogue. And from this experience, find possible paths of social transformation and development.