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Us for us: an adventure in Bolivia

Noi per noi is a project inspired by the words that Pope Francis who reminded us that the opposite of all individualism is the "spirituality of us" that saves us from selfishness.

The project was born from the need of some young people who were finishing a training process at Mariapolis Lia, in Argentina, to give time to put themselves at the service of others, get to know other cultures and get out of their comfort zone.

With the desire to contribute in some way to the construction of a different world, Nicolas Valenzuela, Brian, Joaquin, Jesús y Nicolás Iturralde, meet in Salta, Argentina and leave, together with another of their friends, for Bolivia, where they will meet other Bolivian boys who will join this adventure.

We didn't know each other but from the first moment we felt a connection; we had the same goal, y with the passing of the days we discovered friends, family; we created a very strong bond that was undoubtedly fundamental for every single experience to be fruitful.

“Noi per Noi” is precisely the reality of an experience in which we give but even if we receive, even more than we can give. We gave our time, our experiences, and we met people who welcomed us, who received us with open arms; that made us feel like family.

With this experience we have confirmed that barriers can be broken: culture, distance, the country, are not an obstacle to contribute to the construction of a different world.

It was not easy to make the decision not to stay at home to enjoy the summer but after all, it was nice to be able to say: I'm on my vacation and here I am painting ...

Da Uyumi, pasando per il Centro Clara Luz e Rincón de Luz a Cochabama e Santa Cruz, questa avventura ha avuto spazio per conoscere nuovi luoghi, fare turismo, godere dei paesaggi, conoscere nuovi amici, ma sopratutto, sperimentare che quando si lascia la zona di comfort con la volontà di fare qualcosa per gli altri “noi” –come lo definiscono questi volontari- c’è più gioia nel dare che nel ricevere.

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