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New challenges for 2020

Taking stock of the many fruits obtained during this year, we begin 2020 with new challenges to contribute ever better to the formation of world-men, global citizens who, in the midst of current social upheavals, recognize the importance of their actions towards the others.

In addition to the challenges of the program, 2019 greets us with the commitment to respond to the clamor of many peoples with whom we work, in particular the call for peace, dialogue, reconciliation and the defense of human rights in Latin American peoples, in Lebanon , in Hong Kong, among the many countries facing internal conflicts.

We are sure that even from small actions we can generate great changes in our societies and contribute to the construction of a more human and fraternal world.

So we launched the “Weaving bonds of peace” campaign in which, through various actions aimed above all at social media, we generate a message of peace and reconciliation, highlighting the characteristics that unite us and make us feel more brothers.

MilONGa volunteers are the first spokespersons who, through their experiences, share what they have learned from the cultures they shared with while volunteering and how this has influenced their life and the relationships they intertwine daily with those who think or live differently. .

We invite you to join our campaign by sending us a message that highlights positive characteristics of peoples who are going through difficult social and political times or some of which you have learned something that you still need to forge bonds of peace with others.

You can send us your messages to or share them on Facebook by tagging Milonga International Volunteering with the #TejiendoLazosdePaz hashtag.


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