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Milonga at the 2nd World Youth Forum For Peace

The 2nd Youth World Peace Forum is part of the World Forum for Peace, promoted since 2007 by the Schengen Peace Foundation. Its purpose is to spread a message of peace in Europe and in the world.

Approximately 150 young people from 20 nations were present at the 2nd Youth Forum and a significant number followed this experience through internet, as many had to stay in their countries due to ongoing conflicts in various parts of the world.

The various experiences highlighted the strength, energy and enthusiasm of many young people who are engaged in daily life as builders of examples of Peace.

During Friday afternoon, the Milonga project held a workshop on volunteering in which 15 young people took part, playing the roles of those who help and those who receive help. The workshop proposed a reflection on assistential or paternalistic attitudes that many have when volunteering , and on the importance of building reciprocal relationships of support and seeking together for solutions to problems.

During Saturday afternoon young people from different parts of the world shared several peace building experiences , from simple individual everyday experiences to large group initiatives. All were characterized by the awareness that peace is the way to fraternity. The participants were offered the opportunity to be part of Milonga, bringing their contribution to the various social organizations in Latin America that recognise social justice as a source of peace.

This was an interesting opportunity to give our own small contribution to the spreading a culture of peace and encounter, in order to make the world a more beautiful place to live.


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