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4 ways to support social organizations in the midst of the emergency

We’re living in moments that were unthinkable three months ago. From one day to the next, all of us, big and small, rich and poor, had to stay at home, stop going out to work, study, visit friends… but without a doubt, this isolation has not been the same for everyone.

In a world marked by social inequality, those who are on the periphery face the intensification of all the problems that the emergency brings with it. And it is precisely there where these fundamental actors, who for years have worked side by side with these communities, once again they take on a decisive role in the accompaniment, support and help of those in the greatest need.

Here are some ways to help social organizations:

1. Support for campaigns and initiatives

All social organizations are launching different initiatives to meet their own needs and those of their communities.

Here we share with you the profiles of some of them.

  • PIP. Iniciativas Promoción de la Persona para una Sociedad Fraterna.


  • Nuevos Horizontes

  • La Casa de los Niños


  • Casa do Menor

  • Sociedades Movimento dos Focolari

  • Sumá Fraternidad

You can also promote and support the initiatives of some Milonga volunteers who even from their homes have generated strategies to help those who hosted them and were their family during their time volunteering.

2. Dissemination of needs

If at this moment you cannot support some initiatives, but you know some social organization, you can help to share their needs, surely among your contacts there is someone who can give a hand.

Get to know the milONGa social organizations. Each and every one of them is working right now for their community and they have many needs that you can help to spread and raise awareness.

3. Accompaniment

Day by day, the working teams of social organizations, often made up of the same local people, are faced with multiple problems that sometimes surpass them or strongly challenge them. Feeling accompanied and encouraged is fundamental in order not to fail and to continue with a firm step along the path. A call or message undoubtedly makes a difference. In the midst of confinement, we can also be a support for those who are in the most affected territories and who need a lot of hope.

4. Fundraising

This is undoubtedly a fundamental aspect. At this time, social organizations must address multiple needs arising from the emergency, including hunger and lack of economic resources, collecting school scholarships for children who are part of the assistance centres and will not be able to return to study during the new normality because their parents lost their jobs. If you have the possibility to support them financially, involving neighbours and friends, it will be an invaluable contribution.

Every contribution, big or small, is equally valuable.

Together it is easier.
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