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Instituto Social del Trabajo ISO

Spain, Valencia.

We develop a human, social and professional training suited to the attitudes, abilities and vocation of each resident.

Specific requests:  

  • Knowledge of the Spanish language (basic level)

  • Complete COVID vaccine

Mode: face-to-face / online

Period: all months of the year

Minimum time:  1 month

Maximum time: 6 months

Context of the community in which he works

La Casa de Acogida Dorothy Day y Peter Maurin is located in Valencia.


The CADD deals with immigrant families and women in vulnerable situations, without economic resources, homeless and with a desire for human and social advancement. There are 20 spots available and since July 2018 it is financed through a convention with the Delegación de Cooperación al Desarrollo y Inmigración del Ayuntamiento de Valencia. CADD hosts 10 children from Sub-Saharian Africa

Its goals

The main aims of the program are:


- To look after a house of residence for 24 hours a day and temporary hospitality, in order to cover basic subsistence needs as a first step towards personal fulfillment.


- Describe and tutor an Individualized Social and Work Insertion Plan personalized for each of the residents, as an itinerary-commitment to follow.


- To develop, impart and / or allow a human, social and professional formation adequate to the aptitudes, abilities and vocation of each resident.


- Strengthen the developmental development of children with respect to the psychological, cognitive, motor, emotional and social areas.


- Raise awareness among the population through intercultural mediation programs that generate a culture of encounter.

Main activities carried out

The Débora Project consists of various actions to achieve its objectives. The actions are continuous during the people's stay in the Shelters:


1. Temporary residence and reception of the house Actions aimed at drawing up an individualised plan for social and work integration. Training actions.

4. Actions aimed at children.

5. Actions to raise awareness among citizens. The achievement of the objectives and of the different actions takes place through networking with other actors as appropriate and necessary.

Volunteers profile

  • 20 years old or older. Respectful for the principles and values ​​of the entity. Preliminary knowledge of the entity and the functions to be performed. Responsible, with initiative and with a sufficient degree of autonomy to carry out their functions.

Tasks to be done

The volunteer is involved in the different actions of the Project developed in the shelters and, depending on their talents or knowledge, they can organize a workshop or an activity aimed at the residents of the Houses. Among the permanent actions: Spanish lessons; Conversation club; workshops to promote the basic activities of daily life; social skills workshops; activities to do in the free time of the residents; recreational and educational activities for the children of the house during the school holidays; music and theater workshops; accompaniment in administrative negotiations, etc ...

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